14 Februarie, die dag van liefde, verrassings en vir party ook die dag wat hulle al hulle moed by mekaar moet skraap en braaf wees. Dis n dag waar mens spanbou in die werksplek en almal in hulle rooi en pienk pronk.
Dis nie net n dag vir jong verliefdes en paartjies nie, maar ook n herinnering dat mens saam kan oud word en die lewe saam trotseer en geniet saam met al jou geliefdes- familie, vriende en selfs troeteldiere.
Gelukkige Valentynsdag, mag julle nie net n dag vol liefde ervaar nie, maar sommer n hele 2024!
14 February, the day of love, surprises and for some also the day they have to muster up all their courage and be good to each other. It’s a day where you build teams in the workplace and everyone shows off their red and pink.
It’s not only a day for young lovers and couples, but also a reminder that you can grow old together and face life together and enjoy it with all your loved ones – family, friends and even pets.
Happy Valentine’s Day, may you not only experience a day full of love, but a whole 2024!
Dr. Jolandi Meyer’s expertise and comprehensive treatment options make her an exceptional General Practitioner for addressing all ailments. She provides personalised care, empowering patients to achieve optimal health. Her compassionate approach ensures patients receive the highest quality treatment. Her practice is located in Garsfontein, Pretoria on the same premises as The Way Recovery Centre.
With her support and guidance, patients can embark on a journey towards improved well-being and a healthier, happier life.